Helping Hands supermarket transport

Do you know anyone who would like to visit a large supermarket, but would struggle to get there? If so, please let them know that on Thursday 30th March we are running a shopping trip to ASDA in Spondon leaving the Weston Centre at 10.00am and returning around 2.00pm. The cost will be £3.00 per person. For further details or to book a place contact Emma on 01332 840349 or

Funding success!

We are delighted to announce that we have SMASHED our £6000 target in The Big Give’s Christmas Challenge to raise funds to set up and run Duffield Helping Hands. We would like to send ENORMOUS thanks to everyone who helped us in this: our pledgers and donors, The Reed Foundation, everyone who attended our special events, and all those who dedicated their time, expertise and good will. Now the hard work begins.

Look out for updates as we work to get Duffield Helping Hands up and running. Please contact for further information or to join our team of volunteers.

We are particularly looking for people who can help with everyday IT queries, short-term gardening, dustbin day, shopping and delivery, emergency contact liaison and general buddying. Details can be found in the role descriptions below.

For role descriptions click on the buttons below.

This is our most ambitious project to date. You may know that during the pandemic we ran DuCS (Duffield Coronavirus Support) where volunteers helped others with shopping and other needs. Duffield Helping Hands will build on this.

Local authority cutbacks are affecting our community. 25% of Duffield’s population are aged 65 or over. Helping Hands will help older and more isolated people stay safe and independent in their own homes. We will co-ordinate and run a support network to help with everyday tasks such as using information technology, making on-line appointments, shopping or moving heavier items in the home. Our service will be run and administered from the Weston Centre. The funds we have raised will help recruit, check, train and support new personnel; set up and run a booking and administration system; run, monitor and evaluate the service; and liaise with other bodies as appropriate.