

News September 2022

Duffield Helping Hands campaign update

🌟🌟🌟We are delighted to have met our target of £1500 in pledged funds in support of our Duffield Helping Hands campaign. 🌟🌟🌟We are enormously grateful to everyone who has pledged support and now have a chance of winning the backing of a Big Give Champion to add to this pledge pot. The final part of the campaign will begin on 29th November and run until 6th December when we will be seeking donations totalling £3000 to help us ensure wider support for older and isolated people in our community.

We’ll keep our website updated with news of the campaign and how you can help. You can go directly to the Duffield Helping Hands page here:

For more information contact Sarah on 01332 840349 or

Evening Social Events

In a further drive to raise funds we have several exciting social events in the coming months and would love to see lots of new faces. Doors will open for all events at 7.00pm.

Supper quiz We are sure there will be plenty of friendly competition at the quizzes. Do you fancy your chances? Bring your friends and form a tea

We are delighted to be hosting our first musical events. The GRK Collective are a sought-after duo based in Greater Manchester. They are bound to get your toes tapping or even tempt you to dance to covers of popular songs from the 1950s. Why not check them out on Facebook under Georgia Rae K?

Tom Brooksby, front man in ‘Glory Days’ Springsteen tribute band, and seasoned solo performer, is well-known nationally for his magnetic performances. You might have seen him front ‘The Sensational Hot Rocks Band’ at this year’s carnival on Eye’s Meadow. He will be treating us to an acoustic set of well-known Americana. This is one not to be missed! Tom regularly sells out much larger venues so be sure to get your tickets early. You can listen to him on Apple Music and Spotify for a taste of what will be in store.

Christmas Quiz We are looking forward to an early festive opportunity on 3rd December when David will challenge us with a range of questions on a festive theme. Why not bring a team, decorate your table (and yourselves!) and enjoy your favourite nibbles by bringing your own Christmas foodie treats?

For tickets or further information contact Emma on or call 01332 840349.

European Film Club

We are very pleased to announce yet another new venture starting on Wednesday 28th September. We will be hosting a monthly European Film Club thanks to the support of Delyth. Our first film, ‘Tais Toi’, stars Jean Reno and Gérard Depardieu and will be shown with English sub-titles for those not confident in French. Doors open at 7.00pm and the film will begin at 7.30pm. Tickets cost just £4.00 and our bar will be open. All welcome.

Memory Café

We are looking for volunteers to help set up and run a monthly Memory Café for people living with dementia. This will take place on Friday afternoons between 2.00pm and 4,00pm. You will have the support of our charity and a small budget. If you are able to spare some time or expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Sarah on or 01332 840349.

Film Club

Our October film is ‘The Glenn Miller Story’. This will be shown on Thursday 6th October, with doors opening at 1-30 pm, and the movie starting at 2.00 pm. Once again, the bar will be open for those who fancy something stronger than tea or coffee. Entrance is just £3.00.

Our regular events include

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP 2nd 3rd and 4th Thursdays, 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £5.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • iPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Monday afternoon and Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS DAY TRIPS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 for details. 
  • WALKING GROUP A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Are you looking for a venue to hire?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces next to the Centre. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please see our website or contact Emma on 01332 840349 or



News August 2022

Duffield Helping Hands campaign launch

We are excited to share news of our most ambitious project to date: we are taking part in The Big Give’s Christmas Challenge to raise £6,000 to fund Duffield Helping Hands.

You will know that during the pandemic we ran DuCS (Duffield Coronavirus Support) where volunteers helped others with shopping and other needs. Our aim is to build on this with Duffield Helping Hands. Local authority cutbacks are affecting our community. It’s our aim to help older and more isolated people stay safe and independent in their own homes. We will co-ordinate and run a support network to help with everyday tasks such as using information technology, making on-line appointments, shopping or moving heavier items in the home. Our service will be run and administered from the Weston Centre. To achieve this we need funds which will be used: to recruit, check, train and support new personnel; set up and run a booking and administration system; run, monitor and evaluate the service; and liaise with other bodies as appropriate.

There are three stages to this campaign:

  1. Raise £1500 in pledges by 2nd September. The rules state that each pledge must be at least £100 and made online via

If you are in a position to make a pledge, or have links with an organisation that could, please consider doing so. We need 15 pledges to reach our target. No funds arepaid at this stage; rather a pledge is a promise topay after donations are collected in stage 3 below.

  • Attract £1500 from a Big Give Champion. This is dependent on us meeting our pledge target above.
  • Raise £3000 in donations during the week of 29th November and 6th December. More information on this will follow in due course.

Funds promised in stages 1 and 2 will only be released once donations are made during the Christmas Challenge week. In this way, donations are doubled: donate once, twice the impact.

Please look out for news of evening events to be held at the Weston Centre between September and December to raise further funds.

For more information see the Duffield Helping Hands project page on our website or contact Sarah on 01332 840349 or

Memory Café

A second plan we have is to set up and run a monthly Memory Café for people living with dementia. This will take place on Friday afternoons between 2.00pm and 4,00pm. To make this happen we need volunteers. If you are able to spare some time or some expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Sarah on or 01332 840349.

Minibus trips

We have enjoyed some excellent company on our two most recent days out. On Wednesday 27th July a party travelled to Repton and Mercia Marina for a day providing cultural and retail opportunities.

Our August trip was to East Kirkby Air Show on Saturday 6th. The weather was warm with very little cloud, perfect for a flying display. After a scenic drive the party arrived in time to join the sell-out 5000 crowd and enjoy the D-Day Darlings’ musical entertainment and watch the flying displays. Highlights included the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, The Blades’ spectacular aerobatics, the taxi runs of the ‘Just Jane’ NX611Lancaster and the De Havilland Mosquito HJ711 aircraft. There were also stalls, refreshment stands, music and dancing. Details of future excursions can be found on our website or by contacting Emma on or 01332 840349

Film Club

Another full house enjoyed our most recent offering, ‘Kinky Boots’on Thursday 8th August. Upcoming films include ‘Tea with Mussolini’ and ‘Kind Heart and Coronets’. Entrance is just £3.00 and includes a cup of tea or coffee. We also open our bar so you can enjoy a stronger drink for an additional fee. This is proving to be a popular option!

Our regular events include

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP 2nd 3rd and 4th Thursdays, 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £5.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • iPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Monday afternoon and Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS DAY TRIPS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 for details. 
  • WALKING GROUP A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Are you looking for a venue to hire?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces next to the Centre. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please see our website or contact Emma on 01332 840349 or



News July 2022

We were excited to launch our new website earlier this month. This is the go-to place showcasing our events, news, facilities, calendar and projects. It is also where you can check availability and request bookings for the Weston Centre and minibus, and contact us with any queries.. We are chuffed to bits with it so please check it out and let us know what you think. You might see yourself or someone you know in the gallery! Thanks to John at Foxxweb Design in Belper for helping us with this.

We were excited to launch our new website earlier this month. This is the go-to place showcasing our events, news, facilities, calendar and projects. It is also where you can check availability and request bookings for the Weston Centre and minibus, and contact us with any queries.. We are chuffed to bits with it so please check it out and let us know what you think. You might see yourself or someone you know in the gallery! Thanks to John at Foxxweb Designs in Belper for helping us with this.

iPad course waiting list open

Members of our third group of keen mature students have now ‘graduated’. It was a privilege to work with them, see their confidence and skills grow and join in their chat.

There are ten 2.5-hour sessions in each course, groups are kept to a maximum of six so the pace is comfortable, comprehensive notes are issued to assist learning, and we can lend you an iPad for the duration of the course. Topics covered include email, the internet, photos and videos, apps, and on-line tasks and activities. A charge of £100 is made to help us cover our costs. If you, or someone you know, would like further details or to be added to the waiting list please get in touch by either emailing or calling 01332 840349.


Jeff, who leads our Art Group on Thursday afternoons, has donated a watercolour of our Weston Centre We are absolutely delighted with it. He also donated an original painting for us to raise much-needed funds. We started selling tickets at our Jubilee tea party and eventually raised £69.00. The lucky winner was Bernadette. Our sincere thanks to Jeff who is also behind the initiative to display a Painting of the Month in the Weston Centre. This is to showcase the talents, established and developing, of our Art Group members. Why not pop into the Centre for a bottomless £1 tea or coffee Tuesday to Friday morning and take a look?

If you would like to join our Art Group the details are as follows:

  • When? The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Thursday afternoon of each month, 1.30-3.30pm.
  • Where? The Weston Centre, Tamworth Street, Duffield. We have five allocated spaces next to the Centre in the car park we share with the Viceroy Restaurant.
  • Who? Anyone who would like to learn or develop their observational, sketching and watercolour knowledge and skills. Beginning and experienced artists welcome.
  • How much? £5.00 per session to include a cup of tea or coffee, tuition, inspiration, chat and good company.

Film Club

A full house enjoyed our most recent offering, ‘Brassed Off’ on Thursday 16th June. Upcoming films include ‘Kinky Boots’, ‘Tea with Mussolini’ and ‘Kind Heart and Coronets’. Entrance includes a cup of tea or coffee and is just £3.00. If you would prefer a stronger drink, we are happy to serve you from our bar for an additional fee.

Latest minibus trip

Our latest excursion was to Eyam on Thursday 30th June. All involved enjoyed a day brimming with history, companionship and chatter. For news of future trips and to book a place email or telephone 01332 840349.

Our regular events include

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP 2nd 3rd and 4th Thursday afternoon, 1.30-3.30. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £5.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • iPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Monday afternoon and Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS DAY TRIPS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 for details. 
  • WALKING GROUP A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Are you looking for a venue to hire?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces next to the Centre. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please see our website or contact Emma on 01332 840349 or



News June 2022

Jubilee Tea Party

On Wednesday 1st June we welcomed more than 40 people to our tea party in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Our guests shared memories and enjoyed photos of the last 70 years along with poems from Paul and a musical contribution from David, a chorister at the Queen’s wedding to Philip Mountbatten in Westminster Abbey. Larry brought his Coronation Medal awarded for his service as a police officer on the Mall on Coronation Day. As ever, sincere thanks to the team of dedicated volunteers who ensured that the event was such as success.

Minibus trip

Our latest minibus excursion took place on 25th May. David drove a cheerful group to Melbicks Garden Centre near Birmingham and a fabulous day was had by all.

Look out for details of future excursions and be sure to book your place early!

New Trustees

We are delighted to announce that Sandra Zydzienowski and Barry Clarke have been appointed as trustees. We are excited by their ideas and are looking forward to seeing these materialise over the coming months.


We are very pleased to have hosted two ukulele taster sessions. Group leader Paul very quickly had participants playing chords and singing along. It’s never too late to learn a new skill or take up a new hobby!


200 invitations have been posted through doors over the last two weeks. If you have not received one please accept this in its place. We would love to see more people join our events which include:

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP 2nd 3rd and 4th Thursday afternoon. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £5.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • iPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS DAY TRIPS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre for details. 
  • WALKING GROUP A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Are you looking for a venue to host your event or a minibus to transport your group?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please contact Emma on 01332 840349 or



News March 2022

Arthritis Action

We were delighted to host Ruth Smith from Arthritis Action on 22nd February. Ruth gave advice on living well with arthritis covering topics such as self-management, keeping active and diet.

Queen’s Jubilee tea party

We will be hosting a tea party for Duffield’s older residents to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Wednesday 1st June. We would love to create a display of photographs and memories of Duffield and its residents over the last 70 years. If you have any to share, we would love to hear from you and promise to take great care of them. Please drop them in to Sarah at the Weston Centre in a sealed envelope giving your name, contact information and some details about them. Alternatively, you can email them to

Film Club

The March screening, where we enjoyed ‘Last of the Blond Bombshells’, was the busiest yet! Our next film is ‘Easter Parade’ on Thursday 7th April at 2.00pm. Doors open at 1.30pm. This lavish musical stars Judy Garland and Fred Astaire and will certainly get you in the mood for Easter. We are excited to showcase our new digital projector, large screen and improved sound system so why not come along, enjoy the film, refreshments, and good company? To reserve a place or for more details contact Sandra on 01332 928577.

Lunch Club

Thank you to those of you who responded to our recent plea for Lunch Club volunteers. We are delighted to report that we now have a full team. Here is one of the enticing desserts our guests were treated to recently. Delicious!

iPad tuition

The third course is due to start in April. The funding we secured to pilot the course has now been spent so we are introducing a fee to cover costs. The ten-session course includes email, the internet, using the cameras, apps and video-conferencing. Classes will be kept to a maximum of five to ensure careful support and pacing. Complete beginners, as well as those wanting to gain confidence in using iPads, are most welcome. The total fee is £80 and includes loan of an iPad if desired.  This can be paid in instalments before the start date. Our next cohort is full, but if you would like to join the waiting list, please contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 or email

Wednesday sing-a-longs

Our Wednesday coffee mornings have been particularly popular in recent weeks thanks to David who has been sharing his musical skills by playing the piano. Whilst this does not happen every week, if you fancy a sing-a-long, or just to hear some music, join us from 11.30am on Wednesdays.

Are you looking for a venue to host your event or a minibus to transport your group?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please contact Emma on 01332 840349 or

 Our regular events are:

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £3.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • IPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS EXCURSIONS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre for details. 
  • WALKING FOR HEALTH A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Please call in. You are assured of a warm welcome.



News February 2022

Connecting Celebrating and Moving Forward Together

Exciting news! From Monday 8th November we will be holding a week of events, partially funded by the National Lottery Local Connections Fund, to mark the community sprit demonstrated by, amongst others, our charity, DuCS and Project Cheer since March 2020. We are inviting people we have supported along with our wonderful volunteers and representatives of other village groups to celebrate with us at the Weston Centre. Do look out for your invitation.

Minibus excursions

The eagerly anticipated inaugural minibus trip took place on Thursday 19th August. The destination was Derby’s newly reopened Museum of Making. The visit was enjoyed by all.

On 8th September a second trip, this time to the National Memorial Arboretum, benefited from glorious sunshine. Plans altered at the last minute due to a visit by the Duchess of Gloucester, but a good time was had with plenty of time to explore the grounds and memorials.

Look out for further excursions.

Our minibus has a wheelchair lift. We ask that people with mobility issues are accompanied by someone who can assist them. For further information and bookings contact Emma on 07759 467092 or email for more information.

Art Group

We are delighted to report that our Art Group is up and running! The atmosphere is relaxed and supportive with all abilities and experience welcome. Sessions cost £3.00 and run from 1.30-3.30pm on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.  Contact Emma for a place or more information.

Film showings

On Thursday 7th October we will be showing ‘A Private Function’ written by Alan Bennett and featuring Michael Palin and Maggie Smith. Set in post-war Yorkshire, food rationing continues leading a couple to become embroiled in the flourishing black market by abducting a pig.

On Thursday 4th November why not come and see ‘Ice Cold in Alex’ starring Sylvia Sims, John Mills and Anthony Quale. Set in 1942 a tired and thirsty ambulance army officer tries to escape during the hot western desert campaign.  All he can dream of is having an ice-cold beer when he gets to Alexandria, but one of his crew might be a Nazi spy.

Doors open at 1.30pm. We ask for a donation of £3 to cover costs. Please call Sandra on 01332 928577 to reserve a place.

Coffee mornings

We continue to open for tea and coffee each Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) between 10.00am and midday. A bottomless cup is £1.00 and you are assured a warm welcome.  Masks can be removed once seated. No booking is required.

iPad classes

Our iPad classes are proving to be very popular with the second course, due to start in October, already full. We are taking bookings for a third course planned for the New Year.  Contact Sarah on 01332 840 349 or email if you would like to join our classes or are able to help with coaching.

To hire the Weston Centre or minibus contact Emma on 07759 467092 or email for more information.



Happy New Year from The Weston Centre, January 2022

We have had a busy festive period at the Weston Centre with carols courtesy of Duffield Singers (who braved extremely cold and wet conditions to bring us musical joy), a Christmas Monday Lunch, a screening of White Christmas accompanied by bucks fizz, and a visit to Bakewell to enjoy the Christmas tree festival and a spot of retail therapy.  Many thanks to everyone who contributed to these events which were much enjoyed by all.

We were delighted to welcome so many people to the Weston Centre for our Connecting, Celebrating and Moving Forward Together week of events in November. Helped by Anthony Andrews Catering we hosted nearly 100 people throughout the week all funded by the National Lottery Local Connections Fund.

Social Prescriber

Jude Kelf, a social prescriber linked to Appletree Medical Centre, joins us for coffee on every other Tuesday. Her first visit this year is on 11th January. Jude is a mine of useful information and can offer advice on a wide range of topics linked to health and wellbeing. Why not join us for coffee and meet Jude? She will be happy to chat.

Lunch Club

We are in desperate need of volunteers to help with our Monday Lunch Club so we can continue to serve a weekly two-course hot lunch to our older people. If you can offer a few hours between 9.30am and 2.00pm to join our Monday team to help prepare, cook, serve or wash up please call Jean on 07774 246904 to talk about what’s involved.
Thank you.

Our Regular Events are:

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £3.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • IPAD COACHING each Wednesday afternoon 1.30-3.30pm including a coffee break. We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS EXCURSIONS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre for details. 
  • WALKING FOR HEALTH A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Please call in. You are assured of a warm welcome.



News From The Weston Centre, August 2021

An award for the community

We were delighted to receive a Derbyshire Beacon of Hope award on behalf of everyone in DuCS and Project Cheer for ‘service to the people of Derbyshire during the Covid-19 pandemic’. David Coleman, previously Derbyshire’s Chief Constable and High Sheriff (left), presented the award to members of the DuCS Coordinating Group at the Weston Centre on 20th July.

The award is in recognition of the village-wide support and cheer provided by and for so many people in our community right from the first lockdown in March 2020.

iPad classes

Information technology has been vital for keeping in touch with people and services during the pandemic. Many older people have no experience of the internet and email so have missed out. We received £1000 from Derbyshire’s PCC Vulnerability Fund to purchase iPads and are well into the first course. Topics have included how to use the touch screen, Siri, taking and editing photos and videos and email.

We are looking forward to discussing using and navigating the internet safely, apps, FaceTime, zoom and other methods of face-to face communication. The sessions are run by an Apple educator and a former headteacher who volunteer their time. Contact Sarah on 01332 840 349 or email if you would like to join our classes or are able to help with coaching.

Art Group

Jeff will be re-starting the Art Group on Thursday 12th August. Sessions cost £3.00 and run from 1.30-3.30pm on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. All abilities and experience welcome. Contact Sarah for a place or more information.

September’s film is ‘Seven Brides for Seven Brothers’, a musical with Howard Keel and Jane Powell. This will be shown on Thursday 2nd. Doors open at 1.30pm. We ask for a donation of £3 to cover costs. Please call Sandra on 01332 928577 to reserve a place.

Coffee mornings

We are pleased to open for tea and coffee each Monday to Friday (except bank holidays) between 10.00am and midday. A bottomless cup is £1.00 and you are assured of a warm welcome.  As with all our events, we are taking care to follow covid-safe precautions. We ask all visitors to wear a face mask and wash/sanitise their hands on entry and record their name and contact details for NHS Track and Trace. Masks can be removed once seated. No booking is required, but we are restricting entry to coffee mornings to a maximum of 12 guests at any time.

Peter Gatenby

We were very sad to hear of the death of Peter Gatenby. Peter was part of the Weston Centre from its beginning. He served as Vice Chairman of Trustees, was a true, loyal, honourable and generous friend with a huge amount of local knowledge. He was a tremendous asset, always quietly available to help in any way. He had the ability to recognise and correct everyday problems and his influence and straight-talking helped the charity move beyond challenging times. We send our sincere and heartfelt condolences to Peter’s widow Janet and his children Penny and David. He will be greatly missed by us all.