We aim to run a variety of activities and events to appeal to a wide range of interests.

Follow us an Facebook for all the latest news, updates, events and trips!

Quiz Night with Fish and Chips Autumn 2024

Art Exhibition and Open Afternoon August 2024

School Quiz April 2024

The School Quiz was a great success, with everyone enjoying the questions from their school days, a popular raffle and buffet. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported this event. Over £400 was made which is an amazing amount!

Easter Afternoon Tea Party March 2024

We promised to let you know how our 1st Fundraiser of 2024 went- the Easter Afternoon Tea Party.

Honestly, it was great(& it’s not just us saying that!! ). The live music, good food, great company and conversation, and a happy , relaxed atmosphere which it’s impossible to capture in photos.

We’d like to say thank you to : everyone who attended, all the volunteers who helped , baked , served, to Linda & Rob for the amazing music and thank you to Duffield Co-opCroots Farm Shop & Cafe&Kale & Corn who provided prizes for the raffle . The £112.00 raised by the raffle brought our overall total to over £400.

A fantastic start towards achieving the £20k we need this year to continue running our existing activities and starting new ones.

Plenty more events to come , we hope you’ll join us at some of them 😀

Christmas 2023

For the festive period we had a busy and fun filled time with a Christmas quiz, Music and Mince pies and a trip to the pantomime in Buxton. All were full and enjoyed by all. Thank you for all your continued support, 2024 looks to be another busy year! Best Festive Wishes to all!

Art Exhibition November 2023

In November our Art and Crafts Group treated us to a lovely exhibition of some of their projects, some were even available to buy for early Christmas gifts. We hope to hold another in Summer next year, bigger and better! If you are interested in the group please do come down and join us!

Duffield Carnival June 2023

The minibus took a trip to the Duffield Carnival this year, with lots of information on the Charity, events and activities. The weather was nice, albeit a few heavy showers! We hope to be there next year so look out for us!

Kings Coronation May 2023

A traditional party was held here at the Weston Centre to watch the King’s Coronation. It was a memorable moment and was great to be able to join and watch together in a fully decked out hall, followed by nibbles, chatter and tea! Thanks to all those who came.

Thank you! April 2023

One of lovely volunteers nominated a regular user of the Centre for knitting lots and lots (hundreds!) of squares for the Radio Derby Make a Blanket campaign. Here they are being presented by a representative by the All Things Local magazine. Lots of others knitted squares, completed blankets and dropped them to the collection points. Such a fabulous cause, well done everyone involved!

Volunteer training, 27-2-23

On Monday 27th February Sonia Edmund from the Alzheimer’s Society came to talk to a group of our volunteers about the advice and support available to anyone affected by dementia. Sonia is a Dementia Support Advisor for Amber Valley and urges anyone in such a difficult situation to get in touch with the Alzheimer’s Society at the earliest opportunity.  Plans are progressing to launch our own Memory Café in the very near future. For further details or to offer help please contact nicola.memorycafe@westoncentre.org.uk or emma.wcm@westoncentre.org.uk

Cyber-safety talk, 21-2-23

On Tuesday 21st February we welcomed Samantha Hancock, Derbyshire Police Cyber Protect Officer, to the Weston Centre. She presented a brilliant talk about how to protect ourselves against scams and keep safe online. She gave us much to think about and many helpful strategies so that we can engage in the digital world with increased confidence. Copies of her slides and information given can be obtained by emailing emma.wcm@westoncentre.org.uk.

Volunteer Thank You evening, 2-2-23

On Thursday 2nd February Trustees were delighted to welcome more than thirty of our fabulous volunteers to a drinks and nibbles reception at the Weston Centre. Quite simply, our charity would not be able to offer the range of activities it does without the dedication and support of our volunteers. It is they who provide lunches on Mondays, hot drinks and good company on Tuesdays to Fridays, drive the minibus, run our film clubs and excursions, maintain the Weston Centre and ensure our facilities and services are well managed.

One of our longest serving volunteers is Jean who has run our Monday Lunch Club since it began in 1990. Roger, Chair of Trustees, was pleased to present her with a small token of our ongoing appreciation.

Christmas Challenge fundraising, Nov-Dec 2022

We were delighted to welcome so many people to the Weston Centre during the Christmas Challenge Week. The week was book-ended by Saturday evening music from Tom Brooksby on 30th November and our Christmas Quiz on 3rd December. Special thanks to everyone who contributed including Tom for entertaining us American style, Angelo’s Bistro for catering, members of Duffield Singers for leading a Christmas sing-song, Jan for his musical accompaniment, Paul for singing in the rain (not literally), Sandra and Delyth for screening two very different films, David for organising two minibus trips and being a very tough quiz master, and everyone who came along. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did.

Jubilee tea party

On Wednesday 1st June 2022 we welcomed more than 40 people to our tea party in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Our guests shared memories and enjoyed photos of the last 70 years along with poems from Paul and a musical contribution from David who was a chorister at the Queen’s wedding to Philip Mountbatten in Westminster Abbey. Larry brought his Coronation Medal awarded for his service as a police officer on the Mall on Coronation Day. As ever, sincere thanks to the team of dedicated volunteers who ensured that the event was such as success.

Connecting, Celebrating and Moving Forward Together

In November 2021 we staged a week of events for the community funded by a grant from the National Lottery Local Connections Fund. We used the money to host a week of events entitled Connecting, Celebrating and Moving Forward Together. We extended invitations to the many volunteers who stepped forward to support our Duffield Coronavirus Support (DuCS) and its spin-off Project Cheer, as well as the numerous vulnerable people we supported during the lockdowns, along with representatives of village groups. We wanted to bring together volunteers, recipients and voluntary groups to say a big thank you, foster ongoing goodwill and encourage people to regain their confidence and engage with the many activities our village has to offer.  Much enjoyment was had by all as these photos demonstrate.

The impact of our project

Whilst some people remain cautious about social events in the light of COVID, we had a good number of people attending throughout the week. Of particular note were those coming to the Centre for the first time.

Below are some comments shared by attendees.

I’m thrilled about this event.  It’s such a good idea.  It’s been in my mind to try and highlight the groups around the village through the Village Network but covid kind of stuck a spanner in the works! 

As a volunteer it was great to meet with other volunteers and recognise what we’d all been through, how we’d helped others in the community, and how being a volunteer had helped us personally. Being a volunteer was as much of a lifeline for us as it was for those we supported. We were able to contribute, to do something positive that had real meaning and meant people were less isolated, lonely and scared. What was great to see was that people had forged ongoing relationships, were now involved with different volunteering schemes, and positive about the future.

It was lovely to talk with people who had been supported through DuCS and to hear what it had meant to them. One couple I sat with had been in the village for over 45 years, didn’t have family or friends able to support them, and their volunteer was able to help with shopping, collecting medication etc.  They’d never been to the Weston Centre before but had responded to the invitation because they wanted to personally voice their thanks to everyone involved, and let people know how reassuring it had been to know there was someone they could call on, trust, and how much they had valued that.

I took my 88 yr. old neighbour to the sit-down meal as she has some mobility issues and didn’t have the confidence to attend on her own. She didn’t use the DuCS service, but was a recipient of Project Cheer. She often talks about how much pleasure she got from receiving her surprise deliveries, how amazed she was – and still is – that people cared enough to think about those on their own who weren’t seeing any one and unable to go out as they were classed as clinically vulnerable. She does still feel lonely at times, but loved the meal, and hopefully will attend the centre on her own now- or with some gentle encouragement! She saw one or two people she hadn’t seen for nearly two years and said to me on the way out that she was surprised people chatted to her even if she didn’t know them; she really enjoyed herself.

We’d like to thank you for all the hard work and long hours put in to make your celebration week so special. We really appreciated the delicious meal you hosted as well as the opportunity to showcase the Good Neighbours’ activities and network with other voluntary organisations on the Saturday. Thank you for making us feel so welcome.

As a volunteer helping to serve food and drinks at the Weston Centre events which were funded by the National Lottery, I was able to join in the general chit chat. The overall comments were based on how appreciative the many factions of the community were, to be able to come together after what has been a very lonely time for many. Lots of ideas were exchanged for future events and ways to build upon a communal spirit.

Our regular events:

Coffee mornings are from10.00am to midday every Monday to Friday, apart from bank holidays. Come along and join the conversation, you are guaranteed a warm welcome whether you are new to the village, live nearby or have a long association with Duffield. We charge £1.00 for a ‘bottomless’ cup of tea and coffee and biscuits served by our volunteers.

Film Club is on the first Thursday of each month. Doors open at 1.30pm and the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 per person to cover our costs. Warm drinks at a minimal cost and the bar is open! To book a seat or for more information contact Sandra on 01332 928 577.

Monday Lunch Club serves a two-course meal with light entertainment. For further details and to request a place please contact Jean on 07774 246 904.

Our Art and Craft Group is on Thursday afternoons (except the first Thursday of the month) between 1.30 and 3.30pm. We welcome all abilities and experiences at our friendly and informal group. New members needed! We charge £3.00 per person per session. For further details and to request a place please contact Jeff on 01332 585 426 or Emma 01332 840 349.

iPad coaching If you would like to learn how to use an iPad, ‘surf the net’, send, receive and read emails, take and edit photos and understand about apps then this course is for you.

No experience is necessary, but if you have used a digital device (smart phone, computer or tablet) we can help you build on your knowledge and develop your confidence and skills.

The course lasts for ten sessions and costs £100.00. For more information contact Emma on 01332 840 349. We are hoping to run another course early 2023 so please register your interest now!

Chairobics Suzanne, a practising physiotherapist, runs a friendly chair-based exercise class at the Weston Centre on Mondays and Friday afternoons. Why not join her to get fit, have fun and make friends in? Book with Suzanne on 07810 023 743.

Walking For Health A friendly walking group leaves from the Weston Centre each Tuesday and Wednesdays at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). After a companiable walk why not pop into the Centre for a tea or coffee afterwards? For further information contact Chris on 07977 140 415. Time tables also available in the Weston Centre.

Minibus trips If you would like details of the trips we run using our minibus contact Emma on 01332 840 349 or emma.wcm@westoncentre.org.uk