Arthritis Action
We were delighted to host Ruth Smith from Arthritis Action on 22nd February. Ruth gave advice on living well with arthritis covering topics such as self-management, keeping active and diet.
Queen’s Jubilee tea party
We will be hosting a tea party for Duffield’s older residents to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Wednesday 1st June. We would love to create a display of photographs and memories of Duffield and its residents over the last 70 years. If you have any to share, we would love to hear from you and promise to take great care of them. Please drop them in to Sarah at the Weston Centre in a sealed envelope giving your name, contact information and some details about them. Alternatively, you can email them to
Film Club
The March screening, where we enjoyed ‘Last of the Blond Bombshells’, was the busiest yet! Our next film is ‘Easter Parade’ on Thursday 7th April at 2.00pm. Doors open at 1.30pm. This lavish musical stars Judy Garland and Fred Astaire and will certainly get you in the mood for Easter. We are excited to showcase our new digital projector, large screen and improved sound system so why not come along, enjoy the film, refreshments, and good company? To reserve a place or for more details contact Sandra on 01332 928577.
Lunch Club
Thank you to those of you who responded to our recent plea for Lunch Club volunteers. We are delighted to report that we now have a full team. Here is one of the enticing desserts our guests were treated to recently. Delicious!
iPad tuition
The third course is due to start in April. The funding we secured to pilot the course has now been spent so we are introducing a fee to cover costs. The ten-session course includes email, the internet, using the cameras, apps and video-conferencing. Classes will be kept to a maximum of five to ensure careful support and pacing. Complete beginners, as well as those wanting to gain confidence in using iPads, are most welcome. The total fee is £80 and includes loan of an iPad if desired. This can be paid in instalments before the start date. Our next cohort is full, but if you would like to join the waiting list, please contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 or email
Wednesday sing-a-longs
Our Wednesday coffee mornings have been particularly popular in recent weeks thanks to David who has been sharing his musical skills by playing the piano. Whilst this does not happen every week, if you fancy a sing-a-long, or just to hear some music, join us from 11.30am on Wednesdays.
Are you looking for a venue to host your event or a minibus to transport your group?
The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please contact Emma on 01332 840349 or
Our regular events are:
- COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
- LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
- FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
- ART GROUP meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £3.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
- IPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend. Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
- CHAIROBICS every Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
- MINIBUS EXCURSIONS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre for details.
- WALKING FOR HEALTH A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415
Please call in. You are assured of a warm welcome.