

Christmas Challenge special events

Save the date! The Big Give Christmas Challenge

Giving Week runs from midday Tuesday 29th November to noon Tuesday 6th December. It will be a busy week at the Weston Centre. Please join us to raise funds for Duffield Helping Hands.

Doors for all evening events open at 7.00pm with wine and beer available from our bar.

Tickets available from

Saturday 26th November Tom Brooksby Live

An evening of acoustic Americana with supper from Angelo’s Bistro.  Tickets £20.00 pp available in advance.

Wednesday 30th November

10.00am minibus trip to Melbick’s Garden Centre, Coleshill, Birmingham. Tickets £7.00pp in advance.

11.00am Carols Join us at the Weston Centre for a festive singalong.

7.00pm European Film Club ‘The Beat That My Heart Skipped’ (De Battre Mon Coeur S’est Arrete). French with English sub-titles. Award winning noir thriller. Donation £4.00pp.

Thursday 1st December 1.30pm Film Club ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. Suggested donation £3.00pp.

Saturday 3rd December Christmas Quiz

7.00pm. Tickets £5 per person available in advance. Max team size 6. Bring your own Christmas supper.

The Weston Centre is open for tea, coffee, warmth and good company each Tuesday to Friday 10.00am-noon. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. We’d love you to join us.

Please help if you can

We are raising money to set up and run Duffield Helping Hands, a support network to help older and isolated people stay safe and independent in their own homes. We will help with small, everyday tasks such as using technology, making on-line appointments, shopping, and assisting with hard-to-reach items at home.

Please donate at

Helping Hands for Duffield (

Or call into the Weston Centre Tuesday to Friday 10am till midday for a coffee and/or to donate.

The first £3000 donated will be doubled:

One donation, twice the impact!

Thank you so much for your attention and participation.




News November 2022

The Big Give Christmas Challenge

🌟🌟🌟We are truly excited to have been selected to take part in this year’s Christmas Challenge. We aim to raise £6000 to set up and run Duffield Helping Hands. We have already secured £3000 in pledges and support from Big Give Champion the Reed Foundation which means that the first £3000 donated between midday on 29th November and noon on 6th December will be doubled. One donation, twice the impact. 🌟🌟

How you can help

  1. Save the date! Donations open at midday on Giving Tuesday, 29th November and remain open until noon Tuesday 6th December.
  2. Donate If you would like to support this project, we highly recommend doing so during the Christmas Challenge, when your donation will be doubled and make even more of a difference. You can donate to us on our campaign page by clicking on the link below:

Helping Hands for Duffield (

If the link doesn’t work for you, type the following into your browser:

We recognise times are hard. If you can’t donate you can still help. Please:

3.  Pass on this message to anyone you think might be interested in supporting us and having their donation doubled.

4.  Volunteer. We will be recruiting volunteers in the new year for Duffield Helping Hands. For details, contact

For more information contact Sarah on 01332 840349 or

How we will use the money

We will offer a three day a week service in the first instance which will be run and administered from the Weston Centre. We will use the funds to:

  • recruit, check, train and support new personnel
  • set up and run a booking and administration system
  • run, monitor and evaluate the service
  • liaise with other bodies as appropriate.

Evidence of need     All names have been changed.

Gerry is in his late 80s. He called into the Weston Centre for help paying a parking fine. He had waited for and caught the bus into Derby, walked to where he hoped to pay only to be told no-one could help and he would have to pay on-line (he had no facility to do so) or by using the keypad on his phone (he doesn’t have a mobile). He tried, but couldn’t work out how. We guided Gerry through the process and provided reassurance and support. He now calls on us if he needs advice and reassurance with IT matters.

Deborah lives alone and is largely housebound.  She had a GP appointment, but couldn’t manage the short walk to the practice. She had no-one to help so The Weston Centre was contacted. One of our volunteers gave Deborah a lift to the surgery, secured a wheelchair, accompanied her whilst she waited for her prescription, returned her home and had a social cup of tea afterwards. Deborah was very relieved.

David, in his 90s, also lives alone. His watch battery had run out and he was lost without it. He came to the Weston Centre for help as he can’t get to a shop or access the internet. We installed a new battery for him the same day and made him a cup of tea and chatted with him while he waited.

Dorothy lives by herself with no telephone or internet connection. She is eligible for support, but services can’t contact her. We were asked to help and now act as a contact point. Dorothy comes to the Weston Centre when she needs to make a call or pick up messages and can enjoy a chat and company at the same time.

Please help if you can

Donate at Helping Hands for Duffield ( or call into the Weston Centre between 29th November and 6th December where we will have Donation Stations and ways to help you make your donation if you can’t give online.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at

Please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in supporting us and having their donation doubled.

Thank you so much for your attention and participation.




News September 2022

Duffield Helping Hands campaign update

🌟🌟🌟We are delighted to have met our target of £1500 in pledged funds in support of our Duffield Helping Hands campaign. 🌟🌟🌟We are enormously grateful to everyone who has pledged support and now have a chance of winning the backing of a Big Give Champion to add to this pledge pot. The final part of the campaign will begin on 29th November and run until 6th December when we will be seeking donations totalling £3000 to help us ensure wider support for older and isolated people in our community.

We’ll keep our website updated with news of the campaign and how you can help. You can go directly to the Duffield Helping Hands page here:

For more information contact Sarah on 01332 840349 or

Evening Social Events

In a further drive to raise funds we have several exciting social events in the coming months and would love to see lots of new faces. Doors will open for all events at 7.00pm.

Supper quiz We are sure there will be plenty of friendly competition at the quizzes. Do you fancy your chances? Bring your friends and form a tea

We are delighted to be hosting our first musical events. The GRK Collective are a sought-after duo based in Greater Manchester. They are bound to get your toes tapping or even tempt you to dance to covers of popular songs from the 1950s. Why not check them out on Facebook under Georgia Rae K?

Tom Brooksby, front man in ‘Glory Days’ Springsteen tribute band, and seasoned solo performer, is well-known nationally for his magnetic performances. You might have seen him front ‘The Sensational Hot Rocks Band’ at this year’s carnival on Eye’s Meadow. He will be treating us to an acoustic set of well-known Americana. This is one not to be missed! Tom regularly sells out much larger venues so be sure to get your tickets early. You can listen to him on Apple Music and Spotify for a taste of what will be in store.

Christmas Quiz We are looking forward to an early festive opportunity on 3rd December when David will challenge us with a range of questions on a festive theme. Why not bring a team, decorate your table (and yourselves!) and enjoy your favourite nibbles by bringing your own Christmas foodie treats?

For tickets or further information contact Emma on or call 01332 840349.

European Film Club

We are very pleased to announce yet another new venture starting on Wednesday 28th September. We will be hosting a monthly European Film Club thanks to the support of Delyth. Our first film, ‘Tais Toi’, stars Jean Reno and Gérard Depardieu and will be shown with English sub-titles for those not confident in French. Doors open at 7.00pm and the film will begin at 7.30pm. Tickets cost just £4.00 and our bar will be open. All welcome.

Memory Café

We are looking for volunteers to help set up and run a monthly Memory Café for people living with dementia. This will take place on Friday afternoons between 2.00pm and 4,00pm. You will have the support of our charity and a small budget. If you are able to spare some time or expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Sarah on or 01332 840349.

Film Club

Our October film is ‘The Glenn Miller Story’. This will be shown on Thursday 6th October, with doors opening at 1-30 pm, and the movie starting at 2.00 pm. Once again, the bar will be open for those who fancy something stronger than tea or coffee. Entrance is just £3.00.

Our regular events include

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP 2nd 3rd and 4th Thursdays, 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £5.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • iPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Monday afternoon and Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS DAY TRIPS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 for details. 
  • WALKING GROUP A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Are you looking for a venue to hire?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces next to the Centre. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please see our website or contact Emma on 01332 840349 or



News August 2022

Duffield Helping Hands campaign launch

We are excited to share news of our most ambitious project to date: we are taking part in The Big Give’s Christmas Challenge to raise £6,000 to fund Duffield Helping Hands.

You will know that during the pandemic we ran DuCS (Duffield Coronavirus Support) where volunteers helped others with shopping and other needs. Our aim is to build on this with Duffield Helping Hands. Local authority cutbacks are affecting our community. It’s our aim to help older and more isolated people stay safe and independent in their own homes. We will co-ordinate and run a support network to help with everyday tasks such as using information technology, making on-line appointments, shopping or moving heavier items in the home. Our service will be run and administered from the Weston Centre. To achieve this we need funds which will be used: to recruit, check, train and support new personnel; set up and run a booking and administration system; run, monitor and evaluate the service; and liaise with other bodies as appropriate.

There are three stages to this campaign:

  1. Raise £1500 in pledges by 2nd September. The rules state that each pledge must be at least £100 and made online via

If you are in a position to make a pledge, or have links with an organisation that could, please consider doing so. We need 15 pledges to reach our target. No funds arepaid at this stage; rather a pledge is a promise topay after donations are collected in stage 3 below.

  • Attract £1500 from a Big Give Champion. This is dependent on us meeting our pledge target above.
  • Raise £3000 in donations during the week of 29th November and 6th December. More information on this will follow in due course.

Funds promised in stages 1 and 2 will only be released once donations are made during the Christmas Challenge week. In this way, donations are doubled: donate once, twice the impact.

Please look out for news of evening events to be held at the Weston Centre between September and December to raise further funds.

For more information see the Duffield Helping Hands project page on our website or contact Sarah on 01332 840349 or

Memory Café

A second plan we have is to set up and run a monthly Memory Café for people living with dementia. This will take place on Friday afternoons between 2.00pm and 4,00pm. To make this happen we need volunteers. If you are able to spare some time or some expertise, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Sarah on or 01332 840349.

Minibus trips

We have enjoyed some excellent company on our two most recent days out. On Wednesday 27th July a party travelled to Repton and Mercia Marina for a day providing cultural and retail opportunities.

Our August trip was to East Kirkby Air Show on Saturday 6th. The weather was warm with very little cloud, perfect for a flying display. After a scenic drive the party arrived in time to join the sell-out 5000 crowd and enjoy the D-Day Darlings’ musical entertainment and watch the flying displays. Highlights included the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, The Blades’ spectacular aerobatics, the taxi runs of the ‘Just Jane’ NX611Lancaster and the De Havilland Mosquito HJ711 aircraft. There were also stalls, refreshment stands, music and dancing. Details of future excursions can be found on our website or by contacting Emma on or 01332 840349

Film Club

Another full house enjoyed our most recent offering, ‘Kinky Boots’on Thursday 8th August. Upcoming films include ‘Tea with Mussolini’ and ‘Kind Heart and Coronets’. Entrance is just £3.00 and includes a cup of tea or coffee. We also open our bar so you can enjoy a stronger drink for an additional fee. This is proving to be a popular option!

Our regular events include

  • COFFEE MORNINGS 10.00-12.00noon Tuesday to Friday. A bottomless cup costs just £1.00. Just drop in, no booking required.
  • LUNCHEON CLUB each Monday. Please contact Jean via the Centre to be placed on the waiting list.
  • FILM SCREENINGS on the first Thursday of every month. Doors open at 1.30pm, the film starts at 2.00pm. We ask for a donation of £3.00 which includes a cup of tea or coffee. Phone Sandra on 01332 928577 for further details and to reserve a seat.
  • ART GROUP 2nd 3rd and 4th Thursdays, 1.30-3.30pm. No experience necessary and materials are provided. The cost is £5.00. Phone Jeff on 01332 585426 or 07930 841538 for further details and to book a place.
  • iPAD COACHING We have a small number of iPads to lend.  Complete beginners encouraged! Contact Sarah at the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 if you would like to join the waiting list.
  • CHAIROBICS every Monday afternoon and Friday lunchtime. Phone Suzanne on 07810 023743 to book a place.
  • MINIBUS DAY TRIPS to various places of interest. Please contact the Weston Centre on 01332 840349 for details. 
  • WALKING GROUP A friendly walking group departs from the Weston Centre each Tuesday at 10.00am (meet at 9.45am). For further information contact Chris on 07977 140415

Are you looking for a venue to hire?

The Weston Centre is available to hire for clubs, societies, children’s birthday parties and meetings. We are located in Tamworth Street and share a car park with the Viceroy Restaurant where we have five allocated parking spaces next to the Centre. Our kitchen is well resourced, and we have excellent audio-visual facilities too. Our 17-seater automatic transmission minibus with tail lift is also available for hire. For further details please see our website or contact Emma on 01332 840349 or